We do extensive & practical training on above
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)
HACCP stands for 'Hazard Analyisis Critical Control Points' and is a food safety system created to ensure the safety of food.
Many food safety plans are based on the 7 principles of HACCP - which involve determining what the potential hazards are for a business, how to identify if a hazard is exceeding acceptable levels, and what to do in such situations.
Food businesses must have a food safety plan in place that's built on HACCP principles.
VACCP (Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Points)
VACCP stands for 'Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Points'. This is a different type of food safety system used to identify vulnerabilities for a food business due to food fraud.
Food fraud includes incidents such as counterfeiting, adulteration, smuggling, stolen goods, dilution and mislabelling. All pose a risk as food being received may not be what it says it is and/or visibility could have been list throughout the supply chain process.
TACCP (Threat Assessment Critical Control Points)
TACCP is similar to VACCP but standards for 'Threat Assessment Critical Control Points'. Threats are different to vulnerabilities as they're performed for idealogical rather than economical reasons.
Threats could include intentional contamination of food products, sabotage of the supply chain, and using food or drink items for terrorism or criminal purposes.